Category: Angiosperms
Flypaper Plant
Flypaper Plant Flypaper Plant (Pinguicula gigantea), an alternate to Mosquito Repellent,
Bleeding heart flower- The valentine flower
Bleeding heart flower- The valentine flower Bleeding heart flower Common name: Bleeding heart flower, Venus’s car, Lady in a bath.
Coral Plant
Coral Plant Common name: Coral Plant or Physic Nut Scientific name: Jatropha multifida. The genus gets its name from the Greek words ‘iatros’ (physician) ...
Beautiful Red Hibiscus and it’s Importance
Red Hibiscus Common Name: Red Hibiscus, ‘Rokto-Joba’ (Bengali), hibiscus, China rose, sorrel, and ‘flor de Jamaica’, or less widely known as ‘rose mallow’.
Yellow Dancing Girl
Yellow Dancing Girl ‘Yellow Dancing Girl'(Globba marantina) or Kera kera belongs to the family Zingiberaceae.