Nanga parbat
Nanga parbat
Gilgit-Baltistan , formerly known as the Northern Areas designated Pakistani part of the disputed region of Kashmir.
Nanga parbat is also known as Nagna Parvata (in Sankrit). The highest peak (Nanga Parbat) is 8125 metres (26,660 ft) high and is the 9th highest in the world. The peak is a bulk of ice and rock. It is surrounded by Indus river and Astore river. The Naga Parbat is the western corner pillar of Himalayas. It is also known for its catastrophes. The mountain consists mainly of granites and gneisses .
It has three vast faces. They are-
1. The Rupal: The Rupal Face is of 4,600 m/15,090 ft. A beautiful glacial lake called Latbo is located here.
2. The Diamir (King of the Mountains): It is a rocky area which converts itself into ice fields around Nanga Parbat peak.
3. The Rakhiot: Rakhiot Peak is 7,070 m / 23,196 ft. high and is dominated by the north and south silver crags and silver plateau.
Nanga Parbat was discovered by Europeans in nineteenth century. It is difficult to climb and notable tragedies also happened while climbing this mountain. Still it is one of the most demanding eight-thousanders.