Lilium martagon

Lilium martagon

Lilium martagon

Lilium martagon

Common name: Turk’s cap

Scientific name: Lilium martagon

This variety of Lily is native of the region extending from eastern France through northern Asia to Mongolia and Korea. It is also found growing in the deciduous forests across Europe.

This stem-rooting plant prefers rich soil, with shade. The flowers are scented and their colors range from muted pale purple shades to dark maroon, pink and white. Also seen are few dark spots extending from near white to near black.
Interesting fact about the plant is the characteristic reflexed shape of the petals; the flower petals curve backwards, giving each bloom an exotic turban-like appearance.
Hence, the Turkish word ‘martagon’, referring to the turban.

1. These lovely blooms are exported for commercial purposes.
2. They also make for a good addition to your garden.