Lemon In prevention of cancer
Lemon In prevention of cancer
Centuries ago, British sailors ate lemons by the boatload to prevent scurvy, a deadly disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. A single lemon contains 40 mg vitamin C, the full recommended daily target intake. We don’t worry about scurvy anymore because there are so many sources of vitamin C in our diet, but lemons provide a host of other benefits.
Lemon in Breast Cancer: Limonene, a chemical found in lemon peel and the white membrane beneath has significant anti-tumour activity. Limonene is now investigated for its potential application as a cancer treatment and preventive, especially breast cancer. Limonene inhibited growth of breast cancer cells under laboratory conditions. It also causes oestrogen to break down into a weaker form in the body which is important because osetrogen levels are linked with a higher risk of breast cancer. Limonene also boosts the ability of the liver to remove potential carcinogens from the blood.
Lemon Tea and cancer: A study revealed that those who regularly drink liquor tea, specially who add lemon to it, have a reduced risk of certain types of skin cancer. Probable explanation is that lemon boosts glutathione S-transferase enzyme activity, which detoxifies cancer-causing compounds.
What more reasons do you need to enjoy the zesty pleasure of lemons?