Coral Plant

Coral Plant

Physic Nut

Coral Plant or Physic Nut (Jatropha multifida)

Common name: Coral Plant or Physic Nut

Scientific name: Jatropha multifida. The genus gets its name from the Greek words ‘iatros’ (physician)  and ‘trophe’ (nutrition), put together as ‘Jatropha’.

This species is native to tropical America, but commonly naturalized in many tropical areas. It is also a common plant in Hawaiian Islands, Queensland, Florida and the warmer parts of Asia.

It is small tree or shrub, as it is often seen., with thick soft branches. The leaves are deeply divided in lobes,the lobes often again lobed. An interesting fact about this shrub is the striking and eye catching orange red pincushion like flowers. The flowers with a small scarlett centre and few petals resembles a piece of coral. Henceforth, the name coral plant.
The male and female flowers are separate.

The plant sap is used to treat wounds and skin ulcers.The leaves are cooked as vegetable.
The roasted seeds used to cure fevers and venereal diseases. The dried roots cure indigestion. Well,you might be actually forgiven for thinking it to be a medicinal plant.
It also makes for a handsome garden plant with rather pretty foliage and coral-red flowes.