A Mom is a Mom, no matter what the species
A Mom is a Mom, no matter what the species
We all feel safe and happy under the shadow of our parents, and specially “Mom”. Same is the case for every animals. We can just say that a baby finds his whole world in his mom’s eyes, even not knowing to which species his mother belongs to. The true love and care of a mother is something that the innocent baby can feel it, even if she has not given birth to that baby.
Here, meet Anjana, a chimpanzee, lives at TIGERS (The Institute of Greatly Endangered Species) in South Carolina and takes care of a pair of rare white tiger cibs after their mother became spooked and dangerous following hurricane Hanna’s visit to the area. She is also been nurturing and fostering many of the Institute’s babies as an official “assistant” of China. TIGERS founder Dr. Bhagavan Antle said, “Anjana has joined China in caring for baby animals and she helps China raise them”.
Beside this, she has also acted as a surrogate mother to leopards, lions and orangutans. The same mothering care and love, she is giving to these baby white tigers. This motherly love reflects very well when she feeds the tiger cubs with bottle and playfully lies with them. This shows that mother’s love and care never discriminate between species.
Hats off to her. What do you say about this unconditional love of Anjana which we human even can’t afford??