‘Bat Village’ draws UN attention
‘Bat Village’ draws UN attention
Patuli, a village surrounded with lush greenery welcomes you with a message on a metal-board- “They belong to the village. Please let them live.”. Take a look around. If you see a tree, you will also find one of the most neglected, hated and endangered creatures- ‘Golden fruit bats’. Due to horror or superstitions, when most people have turned a blind eye to them, the people of Patuli have proved to be the only exceptions.
They all know even the finest details of the daily routines of these flying mammals. And that’s why this village has drawn the attention of the UN. 2012 has been declared as the International Year of the Bat by the UN. UNEP has even invited two of the villagers as the representatives of the village for the conservation of this species on 12th February 2013. Salute to these villagers, who have taken this appreciable initiative to save this species of bats.