World Forestry Day- 21 March

World Forestry Day- 21 March

World Forest Day- 21 March

World Forest Day- 21 March

Forests are the reservoirs of LIFE on Earth. Life of nodding trees, life of roaring and barking animals, life of sweet chirping and singing birds, and ultimately the life of nature. Beside sheltering diversified flora and fauna, forests play a vital role in regulating the climate.

Forests cover about a third of the European Union land area and roughly 30% of the world’s land area. One tree provides enough oxygen for 5 people and 30 trees can absorb our full annual carbon production, then just give a thought, how do a forest that consists of thousands of trees, protect the million population of the world? Forests filter the water and soil, provide us clean air, food, medicines and many other raw materials that are vital to our health and quality of life. They store roughly half of the world’s terrestrial carbon and when uprooted these forests release large quantities of CO2.
For the past 20 years the rate of deforestation has increased, and it is estimated that deforestation is responsible for same 20% of the world’s CO2 emission, more than the total amount of greenhouse gas emitted by the European Union. So, it is very clear that if we can’t protect the reservoirs of LIFE then, how could we protect ourselves.
We celebrate this day as World Forest Day, not only to build the awareness about the setting down life, but also to get actively participated in growing more and more trees rather than rooting them out.