What is symbiosis?


Examples of Symbiosis (Top= clownfish and sea anemone; Bottom=Lichen)

Symbiosis is a phenomenon in which two living organisms live together in such a way that they are mutually beneficial to each other. For example, the colourful clownfish lives in a symbiotic relationship with the sea anemones. The clownfish enjoys the protection of the poisonous nettle fibres of the sea anemone and the sea anemone survives on the left-over foods of the fish. The lichens that live in association with a fungus and an alga are also good examples of symbiotic relationships. Through the close interaction between its symbiotic partners, the lichens are able to grow in places, where they could have never existed alone.

Ayan Chakravarty

Name: Ayan Chakravarty; Home City: Kolkata, India; Role in the website: Content editor and Adviser; Academic Specializations: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Zoology, Bioinformatics;