Cigarette and its Effect




What is cigarette?
A cigarette is a cylinder of thin paper, wrapped with tobacco leaves. Cigarette is used for mainly smoking purpose. As the ingredient of a cigarette is tobacco, so there are carcinogens (cancer causing stuff) in it, that are as addictive as heroin and cocaine. The smoker holds the cigarette to the mouth, it is ignited at one side. The smoker inhales the smoke, after some moments the smoke is exuded by the smoker again. Mostly, the cigarette comes with a filter that is used for filtering the poisonous smoke (as the manufacturers demand). A cigarette is normally white in color, though occasionally can be seen other colors.

Effects of smoking cigarette

Effects of smoking cigarette

Effects of smoking cigarettes:
The effects of smoking cigarettes on human health have been under research and have been studied more acutely than any other form of consumption. As the main ingredient of a cigarette is tobacco, which contains some cancer causing stuffs, it is the one of the greatest cause of death worldwide. There are mainly two ways of effects on human health- one for active smoker and the other one for passive smoker. Smoking cigarette leads to diseases affecting-

1. Heart
2. Lungs
3. Liver
4. Premature birth & low birth weight
5. Permanent disabilities
6. Breathing problem

Smoking cigarette is one of the main causes of cancer. A study reveals that the person who actively smokes cigarettes & the one who is a passive smoker, both are equally vulnerable to cancer & the above diseases.

Cigarette consumption

Cigarette consumption

Facts and Figures:
Approximately more than 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced globally each year and more than 1.1 billion peoples are smoking them. There are large regional difference in smoking consumption rates worldwide. The rate of consumption have been declined in developed countries whereas in developing countries the rate have been increasing each year. Smoking rate in the United States has decreased by 42% to 21% from 1965 to 2006. But in developing world, the rate is rising by 3.4% p.a.

Prevention of smoking:
As the large numbers of peoples worldwide died owing to smoke cigarette, many countries have enforced strict laws, organized informative campaigns & rehabilitation center with a view to prevent the habit of smoking. Although it is fully depended on the volition. Some countries have prohibited smoking in public places, as the passive smoker could be harmed. Also, there are so many drugs and Yoga exercises that might be helpful.

So it is clear that smoking cigarettes can cause so many life-threatening diseases to active & passive smokers. It is also proven that the main reason of cancer & disabilities. It is not only effecting the human body, but also effecting our environment. Thus cigarettes are injurious to health & environment.