Cigarette in Bird’s Beak

Cigarette in Bird’s Beak

Cigarette in Bird’s Beak

Cigarette in Bird’s Beak

Smoking cigarettes is definitely injurious to our health, but, seems to be good for bird’s health. Amazed??

It sounds like a myth that birds in cities may be collecting and deliberately incorporating cigarette ends into their nests to shoo away parasites. The scientists in Mexico have collected the evidence and said that it is true. The nicotine, known as a powerful natural insecticide, deposited in cigarette filter tips though smoking is thought to be keeping damaging parasites such as mites at bay. Actually many birds can be badly affected by parasitism like, by ectoparasites (bugs on their external feathers and skin) such as mites, lice, ticks and fleas, as well as endoparasites (bugs inside them) such as worms. So, birds have chosen this way to keep the bugs away from them. Very intelligent creature, right?