Reduce Plastic Pollution – Say no to Plastics

Reduce Plastic Pollution – Say no to Plastics

Reduce Plastic Pollution - Say no to Plastics

Reduce Plastic Pollution – Say no to Plastics

10 step:

1. Avoid taking plastic bags from grocer’s shelf.

2. Use paper bags/ cloth bags to carry things.

3. Buy beverages in suitable containers.

4. Do not buy plastic sandwich bags.

5. Buy fresh fruits and veggies to avoid buying the one packaged in plastic.

6. Make a habit of thinking without plastic containers.

7. Throw chocolate wrappers in a proper dustbin.

8. Do not burn plastics.

9. Do not avoid if you see someone polluting with plastics.

10. Dispose used things by wrapping it with paper.

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Earth Warrior

"I'm not an environmentalist. I'm an Earth warrior."